BCC-ESM1 output prepared for CMIP6
Load in Python
from intake import open_catalog
cat = open_catalog("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kpegion/COLA-DATASETS-CATALOG/gh-pages/intake-catalogs/mlotst_Omon_BCC-ESM1_piControl_r1i1p1f1_gn.yaml")
title | BCC-ESM1 output prepared for CMIP6 |
location | /shared/cmip6/data/piControl/ocean/mon/Omon/mlotst/BCC-ESM1/r1i1p1 |
tags | gridded,global,model,monthly |
catalog_dir | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kpegion/COLA-DATASETS-CATALOG/gh-pages/intake-catalogs/mlotst_Omon_BCC-ESM1_piControl_r1i1p1f1_gn.yaml |
last updated | 2020-10-02 |
Dataset Contents
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (bnds: 2, lat: 232, lon: 360, time: 5412) Coordinates: * time (time) float64 15.5 45.0 74.5 ... 1.645e+05 1.646e+05 1.646e+05 * lat (lat) float64 -81.5 -80.5 -79.5 -78.5 ... 86.5 87.5 88.5 89.5 * lon (lon) float64 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 ... 356.5 357.5 358.5 359.5 latitude (lat, lon) float32 -81.5 -81.5 -81.5 ... 88.04723 87.83092 longitude (lat, lon) float32 0.5 1.5 2.5 ... 63.359528 65.24949 66.76796 Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: time_bnds (time, bnds) float64 0.0 31.0 31.0 ... 1.646e+05 1.646e+05 lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 -81.5 -81.0 -81.0 -80.0 ... 89.0 89.0 89.5 lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 ... 358.0 359.0 359.0 360.0 mlotst (time, lat, lon) float32 ... Attributes: Conventions: CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 activity_id: CMIP branch_method: standard branch_time_in_child: 0.0 branch_time_in_parent: 0.0 comment: The coupled model starts from model state after 4... contact: Dr. Tongwen Wu (twwu@cma.gov.cn) creation_date: 2018-12-18T08:38:32Z data_specs_version: 01.00.27 description: DECK: piControl experiment: pre-industrial control experiment_id: piControl external_variables: areacello forcing_index: 1 frequency: mon further_info_url: https://furtherinfo.es-doc.org/CMIP6.BCC.BCC-ESM1... grid: native ocean tri-polar grid grid_label: gn history: 2018-12-18T08:38:31Z ; CMOR rewrote data to be co... initialization_index: 1 institution: Beijing Climate Center, Beijing 100081, China institution_id: BCC mip_era: CMIP6 nominal_resolution: 100 km parent_activity_id: CMIP parent_experiment_id: piControl-spinup parent_mip_era: CMIP6 parent_source_id: BCC-ESM1 parent_time_units: days since 1850-01-01 parent_variant_label: r1i1p1f1 physics_index: 1 product: model-output realization_index: 1 realm: ocean references: Model described by Tongwen Wu et al. (JGR 2013; J... run_variant: forcing: N/A source: BCC-ESM 1 (2017): aerosol: none atmos: BCC_AGC... source_id: BCC-ESM1 source_type: AER AOGCM BGC sub_experiment: none sub_experiment_id: none table_id: Omon table_info: Creation Date:(30 July 2018) MD5:e53ff52009d0b97d... title: BCC-ESM1 output prepared for CMIP6 tracking_id: hdl:21.14100/a22ec0df-1cd3-4e2d-89e9-901192ad31c8 variable_id: mlotst variant_label: r1i1p1f1 license: CMIP6 model data produced by BCC is licensed unde... cmor_version: 3.3.2
- bnds: 2
- lat: 232
- lon: 360
- time: 5412
- time(time)float6415.5 45.0 ... 1.646e+05 1.646e+05
- bounds :
- time_bnds
- units :
- days since 1850-1-1
- calendar :
- 365_day
- axis :
- T
- long_name :
- time
- standard_name :
- time
array([1.550000e+01, 4.500000e+01, 7.450000e+01, ..., 1.645385e+05, 1.645690e+05, 1.645995e+05])
- lat(lat)float64-81.5 -80.5 -79.5 ... 88.5 89.5
- bounds :
- lat_bnds
- units :
- degrees_north
- axis :
- Y
- long_name :
- latitude
- standard_name :
- latitude
array([-81.5, -80.5, -79.5, ..., 87.5, 88.5, 89.5])
- lon(lon)float640.5 1.5 2.5 ... 357.5 358.5 359.5
- bounds :
- lon_bnds
- units :
- degrees_east
- axis :
- X
- long_name :
- Longitude
- standard_name :
- longitude
array([ 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ..., 357.5, 358.5, 359.5])
- latitude(lat, lon)float32...
- standard_name :
- latitude
- long_name :
- latitude
- units :
- degrees_north
array([[-81.5 , -81.5 , -81.5 , ..., -81.5 , -81.5 , -81.5 ], [-80.5 , -80.5 , -80.5 , ..., -80.5 , -80.5 , -80.5 ], [-79.5 , -79.5 , -79.5 , ..., -79.5 , -79.5 , -79.5 ], ..., [ 86.58047 , 86.42422 , 86.26085 , ..., 86.996666, 86.867805, 86.72868 ], [ 87.225815, 87.03524 , 86.840004, ..., 87.75915 , 87.589096, 87.41082 ], [ 87.61307 , 87.39397 , 87.17378 , ..., 88.2616 , 88.04723 , 87.83092 ]], dtype=float32)
- longitude(lat, lon)float32...
- standard_name :
- longitude
- long_name :
- longitude
- units :
- degrees_east
array([[ 0.5 , 1.5 , 2.5 , ..., -2.5 , -1.5 , -0.5 ], [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 2.5 , ..., -2.5 , -1.5 , -0.5 ], [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 2.5 , ..., -2.5 , -1.5 , -0.5 ], ..., [33.550873, 36.22115 , 38.67141 , ..., 24.030403, 27.47284 , 30.640976], [47.585346, 49.95292 , 52.038475, ..., 38.205967, 41.781086, 44.88261 ], [68.01373 , 69.05388 , 69.93538 , ..., 63.359528, 65.24949 , 66.76796 ]], dtype=float32)
- time_bnds(time, bnds)float64...
array([[0.00000e+00, 3.10000e+01], [3.10000e+01, 5.90000e+01], [5.90000e+01, 9.00000e+01], ..., [1.64523e+05, 1.64554e+05], [1.64554e+05, 1.64584e+05], [1.64584e+05, 1.64615e+05]])
- lat_bnds(lat, bnds)float64...
array([[-81.5, -81. ], [-81. , -80. ], [-80. , -79. ], ..., [ 87. , 88. ], [ 88. , 89. ], [ 89. , 89.5]])
- lon_bnds(lon, bnds)float64...
array([[ 0., 1.], [ 1., 2.], [ 2., 3.], ..., [357., 358.], [358., 359.], [359., 360.]])
- mlotst(time, lat, lon)float32...
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
- long_name :
- Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T
- comment :
- Sigma T is potential density referenced to ocean surface.
- units :
- m
- original_name :
- mlotst
- cell_methods :
- area: mean where sea time: mean (interval: 30 minutes)
- cell_measures :
- area: areacello
[452010240 values with dtype=float32]
- Conventions :
- CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
- activity_id :
- branch_method :
- standard
- branch_time_in_child :
- 0.0
- branch_time_in_parent :
- 0.0
- comment :
- The coupled model starts from model state after 400 yrs spinup
- contact :
- Dr. Tongwen Wu (twwu@cma.gov.cn)
- creation_date :
- 2018-12-18T08:38:32Z
- data_specs_version :
- 01.00.27
- description :
- DECK: piControl
- experiment :
- pre-industrial control
- experiment_id :
- piControl
- external_variables :
- areacello
- forcing_index :
- 1
- frequency :
- mon
- further_info_url :
- https://furtherinfo.es-doc.org/CMIP6.BCC.BCC-ESM1.piControl.none.r1i1p1f1
- grid :
- native ocean tri-polar grid
- grid_label :
- gn
- history :
- 2018-12-18T08:38:31Z ; CMOR rewrote data to be consistent with CMIP6, CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 and CF standards.
- initialization_index :
- 1
- institution :
- Beijing Climate Center, Beijing 100081, China
- institution_id :
- mip_era :
- nominal_resolution :
- 100 km
- parent_activity_id :
- parent_experiment_id :
- piControl-spinup
- parent_mip_era :
- parent_source_id :
- parent_time_units :
- days since 1850-01-01
- parent_variant_label :
- r1i1p1f1
- physics_index :
- 1
- product :
- model-output
- realization_index :
- 1
- realm :
- ocean
- references :
- Model described by Tongwen Wu et al. (JGR 2013; JMR 2014; submmitted to GMD,2018). Also see http://forecast.bcccsm.ncc-cma.net/htm
- run_variant :
- forcing: N/A
- source :
- BCC-ESM 1 (2017): aerosol: none atmos: BCC_AGCM3_LR (T42; 128 x 64 longitude/latitude; 26 levels; top level 2.19 hPa) atmosChem: BCC-AGCM3-Chem land: BCC_AVIM2 landIce: none ocean: MOM4 (1/3 deg 10S-10N, 1/3-1 deg 10-30 N/S, and 1 deg in high latitudes; 360 x 232 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m) ocnBgchem: none seaIce: SIS2
- source_id :
- source_type :
- sub_experiment :
- none
- sub_experiment_id :
- none
- table_id :
- Omon
- table_info :
- Creation Date:(30 July 2018) MD5:e53ff52009d0b97d9d867dc12b6096c7
- title :
- BCC-ESM1 output prepared for CMIP6
- tracking_id :
- hdl:21.14100/a22ec0df-1cd3-4e2d-89e9-901192ad31c8
- variable_id :
- mlotst
- variant_label :
- r1i1p1f1
- license :
- CMIP6 model data produced by BCC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses). Consult https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP6/TermsOfUse for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at https:///pcmdi.llnl.gov/. The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
- cmor_version :
- 3.3.2