MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM output prepared for CMIP6
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title | MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM output prepared for CMIP6 |
location | /shared/cmip6/data/piControl/ocean/mon/Omon/mlotst/MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM/r1i1p1 |
tags | gridded,global,model,monthly |
catalog_dir | |
last updated | 2020-10-22 |
Dataset Contents
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (bnds: 2, i: 256, j: 220, time: 9360, vertices: 4) Coordinates: * time (time) float64 15.5 45.0 74.5 ... 2.848e+05 2.849e+05 * j (j) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 * i (i) int32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 latitude (j, i) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(220, 256), meta=np.ndarray> longitude (j, i) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(220, 256), meta=np.ndarray> Dimensions without coordinates: bnds, vertices Data variables: time_bnds (time, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(240, 2), meta=np.ndarray> vertices_latitude (time, j, i, vertices) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(240, 220, 256, 4), meta=np.ndarray> vertices_longitude (time, j, i, vertices) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(240, 220, 256, 4), meta=np.ndarray> mlotst (time, j, i) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(240, 220, 256), meta=np.ndarray> Attributes: Conventions: CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 activity_id: CMIP branch_method: standard branch_time_in_child: 0.0 branch_time_in_parent: 0.0 contact: creation_date: 2019-12-07T13:16:06Z data_specs_version: 01.00.30 experiment: pre-industrial control experiment_id: piControl external_variables: areacello forcing_index: 1 frequency: mon further_info_url: grid: gn grid_label: gn history: 2019-12-07T13:16:06Z ; CMOR rewrote data to be co... initialization_index: 1 institution: ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Max Planck Institut fur ... institution_id: HAMMOZ-Consortium mip_era: CMIP6 nominal_resolution: 250 km parent_activity_id: CMIP parent_experiment_id: piControl-spinup parent_mip_era: CMIP6 parent_source_id: MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM parent_time_units: days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00 parent_variant_label: r1i1p1f1 physics_index: 1 product: model-output project_id: CMIP6 realization_index: 1 realm: ocean references: MPI-ESM1.2-HAM: Mauritsen, T. et al. (2019), Deve... source: MPI-ESM1.2-HAM (2017): aerosol: HAM2.3 atmos: ... source_id: MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM source_type: AOGCM sub_experiment: none sub_experiment_id: none table_id: Omon table_info: Creation Date:(09 May 2019) MD5:e6ef8ececc8f33864... title: MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM output prepared for CMIP6 variable_id: mlotst variant_label: r1i1p1f1 license: CMIP6 model data produced by the HAMMOZ-Consortiu... cmor_version: 3.5.0 tracking_id: hdl:21.14100/3b392e31-0553-4091-b1b4-e00371acf935
- bnds: 2
- i: 256
- j: 220
- time: 9360
- vertices: 4
- time(time)float6415.5 45.0 ... 2.848e+05 2.849e+05
- bounds :
- time_bnds
- units :
- days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00
- calendar :
- proleptic_gregorian
- axis :
- T
- long_name :
- time
- standard_name :
- time
array([1.550000e+01, 4.500000e+01, 7.450000e+01, ..., 2.848125e+05, 2.848430e+05, 2.848735e+05])
- j(j)int320 1 2 3 4 5 ... 215 216 217 218 219
- units :
- 1
- long_name :
- cell index along second dimension
array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 217, 218, 219], dtype=int32)
- i(i)int320 1 2 3 4 5 ... 251 252 253 254 255
- units :
- 1
- long_name :
- cell index along first dimension
array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 253, 254, 255], dtype=int32)
- latitude(j, i)float64dask.array<chunksize=(220, 256), meta=np.ndarray>
- standard_name :
- latitude
- long_name :
- latitude
- units :
- degrees_north
- bounds :
- vertices_latitude
Array Chunk Bytes 450.56 kB 450.56 kB Shape (220, 256) (220, 256) Count 190 Tasks 1 Chunks Type float64 numpy.ndarray - longitude(j, i)float64dask.array<chunksize=(220, 256), meta=np.ndarray>
- standard_name :
- longitude
- long_name :
- longitude
- units :
- degrees_east
- bounds :
- vertices_longitude
Array Chunk Bytes 450.56 kB 450.56 kB Shape (220, 256) (220, 256) Count 190 Tasks 1 Chunks Type float64 numpy.ndarray
- time_bnds(time, bnds)float64dask.array<chunksize=(240, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
Array Chunk Bytes 149.76 kB 3.84 kB Shape (9360, 2) (240, 2) Count 117 Tasks 39 Chunks Type float64 numpy.ndarray - vertices_latitude(time, j, i, vertices)float64dask.array<chunksize=(240, 220, 256, 4), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- degrees_north
Array Chunk Bytes 16.87 GB 432.54 MB Shape (9360, 220, 256, 4) (240, 220, 256, 4) Count 156 Tasks 39 Chunks Type float64 numpy.ndarray - vertices_longitude(time, j, i, vertices)float64dask.array<chunksize=(240, 220, 256, 4), meta=np.ndarray>
- units :
- degrees_east
Array Chunk Bytes 16.87 GB 432.54 MB Shape (9360, 220, 256, 4) (240, 220, 256, 4) Count 156 Tasks 39 Chunks Type float64 numpy.ndarray - mlotst(time, j, i)float32dask.array<chunksize=(240, 220, 256), meta=np.ndarray>
- standard_name :
- ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t
- long_name :
- Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T
- comment :
- Sigma T is potential density referenced to ocean surface.
- units :
- m
- original_name :
- mlotst
- cell_methods :
- area: mean where sea time: mean
- cell_measures :
- area: areacello
- history :
- 2019-12-07T13:16:06Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-9e+33) and corresponding data with standard missing value (1e+20).
Array Chunk Bytes 2.11 GB 54.07 MB Shape (9360, 220, 256) (240, 220, 256) Count 117 Tasks 39 Chunks Type float32 numpy.ndarray
- Conventions :
- CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2
- activity_id :
- branch_method :
- standard
- branch_time_in_child :
- 0.0
- branch_time_in_parent :
- 0.0
- contact :
- creation_date :
- 2019-12-07T13:16:06Z
- data_specs_version :
- 01.00.30
- experiment :
- pre-industrial control
- experiment_id :
- piControl
- external_variables :
- areacello
- forcing_index :
- 1
- frequency :
- mon
- further_info_url :
- grid :
- gn
- grid_label :
- gn
- history :
- 2019-12-07T13:16:06Z ; CMOR rewrote data to be consistent with CMIP6, CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2 and CF standards.
- initialization_index :
- 1
- institution :
- ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Max Planck Institut fur Meteorologie, Germany; Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany; University of Oxford, UK; Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland; Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Germany; Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- institution_id :
- HAMMOZ-Consortium
- mip_era :
- nominal_resolution :
- 250 km
- parent_activity_id :
- parent_experiment_id :
- piControl-spinup
- parent_mip_era :
- parent_source_id :
- parent_time_units :
- days since 1850-1-1 00:00:00
- parent_variant_label :
- r1i1p1f1
- physics_index :
- 1
- product :
- model-output
- project_id :
- realization_index :
- 1
- realm :
- ocean
- references :
- MPI-ESM1.2-HAM: Mauritsen, T. et al. (2019), Developments in the MPI‐M Earth System Model version 1.2 (MPI‐ESM1.2) and Its Response to Increasing CO2, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst.,11, 998-1038, doi:10.1029/2018MS001400, Tegen, I. et al. (2019), The global aerosolclimate model ECHAM6.3HAM2.3 Part 1: Aerosol evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 16431677,
- source :
- MPI-ESM1.2-HAM (2017): aerosol: HAM2.3 atmos: ECHAM6.3 (spectral T63; 192 x 96 longitude/latitude; 47 levels; top level 0.01 hPa) atmosChem: sulfur chemistry (unnamed) land: JSBACH 3.20 landIce: none ocean: MPIOM1.63 (bipolar GR1.5, approximately 1.5deg; 256 x 220 longitude/latitude; 40 levels; top grid cell 0-12 m) ocnBgchem: HAMOCC6 seaIce: unnamed (thermodynamic (Semtner zero-layer) dynamic (Hibler 79) sea ice model)
- source_id :
- source_type :
- sub_experiment :
- none
- sub_experiment_id :
- none
- table_id :
- Omon
- table_info :
- Creation Date:(09 May 2019) MD5:e6ef8ececc8f338646ebfb3aeed36bfc
- title :
- MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM output prepared for CMIP6
- variable_id :
- mlotst
- variant_label :
- r1i1p1f1
- license :
- CMIP6 model data produced by the HAMMOZ-Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and. The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
- cmor_version :
- 3.5.0
- tracking_id :
- hdl:21.14100/3b392e31-0553-4091-b1b4-e00371acf935