CCSM4 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000

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title CCSM4 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000
location /shared/cmip5/data/decadal2000/atmos/mon/Amon/tauu/NCAR.CCSM4/r9i1p1
tags gridded,global,model,monthly
last updated 2013-05-26

Dataset Contents

Dimensions:    (bnds: 2, lat: 192, lon: 288, time: 120)
  * time       (time) float64 15.5 45.0 74.5 ... 1.748e+03 1.779e+03 1.81e+03
  * lat        (lat) float64 -90.0 -89.06 -88.12 -87.17 ... 88.12 89.06 90.0
  * lon        (lon) float64 0.0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5.0 ... 355.0 356.2 357.5 358.8
Dimensions without coordinates: bnds
Data variables:
    time_bnds  (time, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(72, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
    lat_bnds   (time, lat, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(72, 192, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
    lon_bnds   (time, lon, bnds) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(72, 288, 2), meta=np.ndarray>
    tauu       (time, lat, lon) float32 dask.array<chunksize=(72, 192, 288), meta=np.ndarray>
    institution:                  NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Resea...
    institute_id:                 NCAR
    experiment_id:                decadal2000
    source:                       CCSM4
    model_id:                     CCSM4
    forcing:                      Sl GHG SS Ds SD BC MD OC Oz AA LU
    parent_experiment_id:         amip
    parent_experiment_rip:        r1i1p1
    branch_time:                  20.0
    comment:                      CESM home page:
    references:                   Gent P. R., 2011: The Community Clim...
    initialization_method:        1
    physics_version:              1
    tracking_id:                  dc100b2f-ac41-43e0-a167-510ef00d27f0
    acknowledgements:             The CESM project is supported by the Nation...
    cesm_casename:                b40.dp.da-2000.20C.1d.009
    cesm_repotag:                 ccsm4_0_beta56
    cesm_compset:                 B20TRCN
    resolution:                   f09_g16 (0.9x1.25_gx1v6)
    forcing_note:                 Additional information on the external forc...
    processed_by:                 aliceb on mirage3 at 20120527  -171452.222
    processing_code_information:  Last Changed Rev: 800 Last Changed Date: 20...
    product:                      output
    experiment:                   10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000
    frequency:                    mon
    creation_date:                2012-05-27T23:14:52Z
    history:                      2012-05-27T23:14:52Z CMOR rewrote data to c...
    Conventions:                  CF-1.4
    project_id:                   CMIP5
    table_id:                     Table Amon (12 January 2012) 4996d487f7a657...
    title:                        CCSM4 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- o...
    parent_experiment:            AMIP
    modeling_realm:               atmos
    realization:                  9
    cmor_version:                 2.8.1