bcc-csm1-1 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000
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from intake import open_catalog
cat = open_catalog("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kpegion/COLA-DATASETS-CATALOG/gh-pages/intake-catalogs/uas_Amon_bcc-csm1-1_decadal2000_r2i1p1.yaml")
title | bcc-csm1-1 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000 |
location | /shared/cmip5/data/decadal2000/atmos/mon/Amon/uas/BCC.bcc-csm1-1/r2i1p1 |
tags | gridded,global,model,monthly |
catalog_dir | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kpegion/COLA-DATASETS-CATALOG/gh-pages/intake-catalogs/uas_Amon_bcc-csm1-1_decadal2000_r2i1p1.yaml |
last updated | 2013-05-25 |
Dataset Contents
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (bnds: 2, lat: 64, lon: 128, time: 360) Coordinates: * time (time) float64 15.5 45.0 74.5 ... 1.087e+04 1.09e+04 1.093e+04 * lat (lat) float64 -87.86 -85.1 -82.31 -79.53 ... 82.31 85.1 87.86 * lon (lon) float64 0.0 2.812 5.625 8.438 ... 348.8 351.6 354.4 357.2 height float64 10.0 Dimensions without coordinates: bnds Data variables: time_bnds (time, bnds) float64 0.0 31.0 31.0 ... 1.092e+04 1.095e+04 lat_bnds (lat, bnds) float64 -87.86 -86.48 -86.48 ... 86.48 86.48 87.86 lon_bnds (lon, bnds) float64 -1.406 1.406 1.406 ... 355.8 355.8 358.6 uas (time, lat, lon) float32 ... Attributes: institution: Beijing Climate Center(BCC),China Meteorological ... institute_id: BCC experiment_id: decadal2000 source: bcc-csm1-1:atmosphere: BCC_AGCM2.1 (T42L26); lan... model_id: bcc-csm1-1 forcing: Nat Ant GHG SD Oz Sl Vl SS Ds BC OC parent_experiment_id: historical parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1 branch_time: 2000.0 contact: Dr. Tongwen Wu (twwu@cma.gov.cn) history: Output from monthly mean data 2011-06-22T02:16:41... comment: The experiment starts from historical run at 1st ... initialization_method: 1 physics_version: 1 tracking_id: 2d83d915-9a12-4a4b-80ae-99af3a520d83 product: output experiment: 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000 frequency: mon creation_date: 2011-06-22T02:16:52Z Conventions: CF-1.4 project_id: CMIP5 table_id: Table Amon (11 April 2011) 1cfdc7322cf2f4a3261482... title: bcc-csm1-1 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- or... parent_experiment: historical modeling_realm: atmos realization: 2 cmor_version: 2.5.6
- bnds: 2
- lat: 64
- lon: 128
- time: 360
- time(time)float6415.5 45.0 ... 1.09e+04 1.093e+04
- bounds :
- time_bnds
- units :
- days since 2001-01-01
- calendar :
- noleap
- axis :
- T
- long_name :
- time
- standard_name :
- time
array([ 15.5, 45. , 74.5, ..., 10873.5, 10904. , 10934.5])
- lat(lat)float64-87.86 -85.1 -82.31 ... 85.1 87.86
- bounds :
- lat_bnds
- units :
- degrees_north
- axis :
- Y
- long_name :
- latitude
- standard_name :
- latitude
array([-87.863799, -85.096527, -82.312913, -79.525607, -76.7369 , -73.947515, -71.157752, -68.367756, -65.577607, -62.787352, -59.99702 , -57.206632, -54.4162 , -51.625734, -48.835241, -46.044727, -43.254195, -40.463648, -37.67309 , -34.882521, -32.091944, -29.30136 , -26.510769, -23.720174, -20.929574, -18.138971, -15.348365, -12.557756, -9.767146, -6.976534, -4.185921, -1.395307, 1.395307, 4.185921, 6.976534, 9.767146, 12.557756, 15.348365, 18.138971, 20.929574, 23.720174, 26.510769, 29.30136 , 32.091944, 34.882521, 37.67309 , 40.463648, 43.254195, 46.044727, 48.835241, 51.625734, 54.4162 , 57.206632, 59.99702 , 62.787352, 65.577607, 68.367756, 71.157752, 73.947515, 76.7369 , 79.525607, 82.312913, 85.096527, 87.863799])
- lon(lon)float640.0 2.812 5.625 ... 354.4 357.2
- bounds :
- lon_bnds
- units :
- degrees_east
- axis :
- X
- long_name :
- longitude
- standard_name :
- longitude
array([ 0. , 2.8125, 5.625 , 8.4375, 11.25 , 14.0625, 16.875 , 19.6875, 22.5 , 25.3125, 28.125 , 30.9375, 33.75 , 36.5625, 39.375 , 42.1875, 45. , 47.8125, 50.625 , 53.4375, 56.25 , 59.0625, 61.875 , 64.6875, 67.5 , 70.3125, 73.125 , 75.9375, 78.75 , 81.5625, 84.375 , 87.1875, 90. , 92.8125, 95.625 , 98.4375, 101.25 , 104.0625, 106.875 , 109.6875, 112.5 , 115.3125, 118.125 , 120.9375, 123.75 , 126.5625, 129.375 , 132.1875, 135. , 137.8125, 140.625 , 143.4375, 146.25 , 149.0625, 151.875 , 154.6875, 157.5 , 160.3125, 163.125 , 165.9375, 168.75 , 171.5625, 174.375 , 177.1875, 180. , 182.8125, 185.625 , 188.4375, 191.25 , 194.0625, 196.875 , 199.6875, 202.5 , 205.3125, 208.125 , 210.9375, 213.75 , 216.5625, 219.375 , 222.1875, 225. , 227.8125, 230.625 , 233.4375, 236.25 , 239.0625, 241.875 , 244.6875, 247.5 , 250.3125, 253.125 , 255.9375, 258.75 , 261.5625, 264.375 , 267.1875, 270. , 272.8125, 275.625 , 278.4375, 281.25 , 284.0625, 286.875 , 289.6875, 292.5 , 295.3125, 298.125 , 300.9375, 303.75 , 306.5625, 309.375 , 312.1875, 315. , 317.8125, 320.625 , 323.4375, 326.25 , 329.0625, 331.875 , 334.6875, 337.5 , 340.3125, 343.125 , 345.9375, 348.75 , 351.5625, 354.375 , 357.1875])
- height()float64...
- units :
- m
- axis :
- Z
- positive :
- up
- long_name :
- height
- standard_name :
- height
- time_bnds(time, bnds)float64...
array([[ 0., 31.], [ 31., 59.], [ 59., 90.], ..., [10858., 10889.], [10889., 10919.], [10919., 10950.]])
- lat_bnds(lat, bnds)float64...
array([[-87.863799, -86.480163], [-86.480163, -83.70472 ], [-83.70472 , -80.91926 ], [-80.91926 , -78.131253], [-78.131253, -75.342207], [-75.342207, -72.552634], [-72.552634, -69.762754], [-69.762754, -66.972682], [-66.972682, -64.182479], [-64.182479, -61.392186], [-61.392186, -58.601826], [-58.601826, -55.811416], [-55.811416, -53.020967], [-53.020967, -50.230487], [-50.230487, -47.439984], [-47.439984, -44.649461], [-44.649461, -41.858921], [-41.858921, -39.068369], [-39.068369, -36.277805], [-36.277805, -33.487232], [-33.487232, -30.696652], [-30.696652, -27.906064], [-27.906064, -25.115472], [-25.115472, -22.324874], [-22.324874, -19.534273], [-19.534273, -16.743668], [-16.743668, -13.95306 ], [-13.95306 , -11.162451], [-11.162451, -8.37184 ], [ -8.37184 , -5.581227], [ -5.581227, -2.790614], [ -2.790614, 0. ], [ 0. , 2.790614], [ 2.790614, 5.581227], [ 5.581227, 8.37184 ], [ 8.37184 , 11.162451], [ 11.162451, 13.95306 ], [ 13.95306 , 16.743668], [ 16.743668, 19.534273], [ 19.534273, 22.324874], [ 22.324874, 25.115472], [ 25.115472, 27.906064], [ 27.906064, 30.696652], [ 30.696652, 33.487232], [ 33.487232, 36.277805], [ 36.277805, 39.068369], [ 39.068369, 41.858921], [ 41.858921, 44.649461], [ 44.649461, 47.439984], [ 47.439984, 50.230487], [ 50.230487, 53.020967], [ 53.020967, 55.811416], [ 55.811416, 58.601826], [ 58.601826, 61.392186], [ 61.392186, 64.182479], [ 64.182479, 66.972682], [ 66.972682, 69.762754], [ 69.762754, 72.552634], [ 72.552634, 75.342207], [ 75.342207, 78.131253], [ 78.131253, 80.91926 ], [ 80.91926 , 83.70472 ], [ 83.70472 , 86.480163], [ 86.480163, 87.863799]])
- lon_bnds(lon, bnds)float64...
array([[ -1.40625, 1.40625], [ 1.40625, 4.21875], [ 4.21875, 7.03125], ..., [350.15625, 352.96875], [352.96875, 355.78125], [355.78125, 358.59375]])
- uas(time, lat, lon)float32...
- standard_name :
- eastward_wind
- long_name :
- Eastward Near-Surface Wind
- units :
- m s-1
- original_name :
- cell_methods :
- time: mean (interval: 20 mintues)
- history :
- 2011-06-22T02:16:38Z altered by CMOR: Treated scalar dimension: 'height'.
- associated_files :
- baseURL: http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP5/dataLocation gridspecFile: gridspec_atmos_fx_bcc-csm1-1_decadal2000_r0i0p0.nc
[2949120 values with dtype=float32]
- institution :
- Beijing Climate Center(BCC),China Meteorological Administration,China
- institute_id :
- experiment_id :
- decadal2000
- source :
- bcc-csm1-1:atmosphere: BCC_AGCM2.1 (T42L26); land: BCC_AVIM1.0;ocean: MOM4_L40 (tripolar, 1 lon x (1-1/3) lat, L40);sea ice: SIS (tripolar,1 lon x (1-1/3) lat)
- model_id :
- bcc-csm1-1
- forcing :
- Nat Ant GHG SD Oz Sl Vl SS Ds BC OC
- parent_experiment_id :
- historical
- parent_experiment_rip :
- r1i1p1
- branch_time :
- 2000.0
- contact :
- Dr. Tongwen Wu (twwu@cma.gov.cn)
- history :
- Output from monthly mean data 2011-06-22T02:16:41Z CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and CMIP5 requirements.
- comment :
- The experiment starts from historical run at 1st Nov. 2000. With ocean initial conditions using the nudging method to observed temperature for the 1st Nov. 2000. The atmospheric and land compositions are prescribed as in the historical run (expt. 3.2) and the RCP4.5 scenario (expt. 4.1) beyond year 2005.
- initialization_method :
- 1
- physics_version :
- 1
- tracking_id :
- 2d83d915-9a12-4a4b-80ae-99af3a520d83
- product :
- output
- experiment :
- 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000
- frequency :
- mon
- creation_date :
- 2011-06-22T02:16:52Z
- Conventions :
- CF-1.4
- project_id :
- table_id :
- Table Amon (11 April 2011) 1cfdc7322cf2f4a32614826fab42c1ab
- title :
- bcc-csm1-1 model output prepared for CMIP5 10- or 30-year run initialized in year 2000
- parent_experiment :
- historical
- modeling_realm :
- atmos
- realization :
- 2
- cmor_version :
- 2.5.6