

Teaching: min
Exercises: min
  • What have we learned so far?

  • Where are we going?


Midway through the semester is a good time to pause and review what we have learned so far and what we have left.

What have we learned so far?

Where are we going?

Atmospheric Modeling

  1. Dynamics (Equations of motion) Assumptions: hydrostatic Linearize, discretize, solve numerically Predict: thickness(w),u,v,q,T

  2. Physics (Sub grid-scale Parameterized)
    • Clouds
    • Radiation
    • Convection
    • Microphysics
    • Boundary layer
    • Fluxes
    • Gravity waves
  3. Boundary Forcing Information exchnaged with or prescried by other components of the climate system (e.g. soil moisture, sea surface temperature)

CESM Quickstart

A review of our CESM quickstart procedure

Create a newcase (this script is located in CIMEROOT/scripts)

./create_newcase --case CASEROOT --res RESOLUTION --compset COMPSET --project UGMU0032

Setup the case (run from your case directory)


Make your changes to the namelists, .xml files, and/or source codes

Build the case

qcmd -- ./

Submit the run


CESM Compsets we have used so far

Today we will work with

Key Points