

Teaching: min
Exercises: min
  • How will this class work?

  • To define how this online class will operate and make sure that all learners know how to access and operate the required technology

CLIM 680 Climate Data Analysis


Prof. Kathy Pegion

Dept. Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Earth Sciences

Email: kpegion at gmu dot edu

Meeting Days/Times

Thurs @ 10:30-13:10 by Zoom

The class period is divided into two parts: 10:30 to 11:40 and Noon to 1:10. Each part will start promptly.


  • Computer programming course or experience in any language
  • MATH 115 or an equivalent course

How will this class work in Zoom?

Introductions and Using Zoom

  1. Toggle between speaker view and grid view by clicking in the upper right corner
  2. Click on chat and Type your favorite food in the chat window.
  3. Change the name that appears for your to your preferred name, by:
    • Clicking participants
    • Moving the mouse over your name
    • Clicking More
    • Selecting rename and changing the name that appears for you to your preferred name
  4. Raise your hand when you are done
  5. I will call out each person in the order they appear on my screen, unmute yourself, correct the pronounciation of your name, and tell us 1 thing you would like us to know about you


Interacting using MS Teams

  • Access the MS Team for this course
  • Send a short message to the Team telling us why you are taking this class

Icebreaker using Collaborative Document in MS Teams

Access the Notebook for this class using MS Teams, by clicking on Class Notebook -> Collaboration Space -> Class Collaborative Documents -> Current Date

  1. Add your preferred name and pronouns to the Roll Call in the Document
  2. Under Icebreaker in the document, describe your work/reserach interests in 3 words.

Best ways to contact me

  1. MS Teams: This is the most efficient way to contact me and receive a reply. During normal work hours, I will likely respond to you within an hour or two if I am at my computer.
  2. Email: I typically respond to emails within 24hrs during the work week and on Mon morning for emails that arrive over the weekend. If you have not heard a response by this time, then I may not have received your email, so please re-send.
  3. Office Hours: Please email me if you wish to meet individually and we will schedule a time to meet in Zoom.

Class Attendance

This is a synchronous, online course which means that it meets regularly online at a specified day and time. It is in your best interest to attend class during the scheduled class time.

Live Coding: One of the reasons you should attend class in person is that this class will utilize a methodology called “Live Coding”. This means you will follow along with me while I share and write code on the screen and explain the code as I go. There will be no powerpoint presentations. This method is shown to be effective because it slows down the pace so everyone can keep up, forces me to take the time to explain what I am doing, helps you get accustomed to running codes yourself on your computer setup, and lets you see me make mistakes and how to correct them.

If you miss class

I understand, however that there can be various reasons for missing class and that connectivity issues do occur. If you miss class for whatever reason, all the information will be available to you on the course Blackboard site and Collaborative Document, including:

Continuity Plans

Given the current times, there are constant changes and new University guidance regarding University operations. There is also the possibility that a student, instructor, or family member that they care for may become ill and alternate arragements will need to be made.

We will follow all University guidance. Typically I learn official University guidance at the same time as you. I will promptly follow up with you via email and MS Teams about how the latest guidance impacts this class.

In the event that you as a student are unable to continue with the course, please notify me immediately so that we can discuss your options. In the event that I as the Instructor am unable to continue teaching this course, it will continue as planned at the same day/time with a backup instructor.

How will you be graded?

This course requires students to apply the analysis techniques learned in class on sample datasets to a dataset used in their own research. Your grade will consiste of 50% homework assignments and 50% your final project and calculated as follows:


Assignments are given most weeks and require you to add something to the previous week’s analysis of your dataset. It is in your best interest to complete these assignments on time in order to keep up with the class. Assignments will be given in class and indicated in the Collaborative document. Four(4) of the assignments will be formally graded. You will provide me with a Github link in the Collaborative Document to turn in your assignment. Instructions will be provided in class.

Assignments will be graded as satisfactory (A), not satisfactory (C), or not/minimally attempted (F) promptly after the due date. Feedback will be provided via Blackboard or Github Issues.

If the assignment is graded not satisfactory or not attempted, you may redo the assignment until it is satisfactory until the last day of class (Dec 3). You must notify me if you wish me to re-grade a re-submitted assignment.

Final Project

In addition to the four graded assignments, You are also expected to complete a project with website in Github and give a presentation in class of your project. Project details will be provided in class and posted on Blackboard.


This class has no exams.

University Policies

Academic integrity

It is expected that students adhere to the George Mason University Honor Code as it relates to integrity regarding coursework and grades. The Honor Code reads as follows: To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among all members of the George Mason University community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we, the student members of the University Community have set forth this: Student members of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal and/or lie in matters related to academic work. More information about the Honor Code, including definitions of cheating, lying, and plagiarism, can be found at the Office of Academic Integrity website at ( In this class, working together is strongly encouraged and doing so is not a violation of the Honor Code. Each student must complete their own model runs, their own analysis codes and figures, and their own writeup of the assignment.

Disability accomodations

Disability Services at George Mason University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students by upholding the laws that ensure equal treatment of people with disabilities. If you are seeking accommodations for this class, please first visit Disability Services for detailed information about the Disability Services registration process. Then please discuss your approved accommodations with me. Disability Services is located in Student Union Building I (SUB I), Suite 2500. Email: | Phone: (703) 993-2474

Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Interpersonal Violence

As a faculty member and designated Responsible Employee, I am required to report all disclosures of sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking to Mason’s Title IX Coordinator per university policy 1412. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, please contact the Student Support and Advocacy Center (703-380-1434) or Counseling and Psychological Services (703-993-2380). You may also seek assistance from Mason’s Title IX Coordinator (703-993-8730;

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion mean much more than do not harrass. They mean creating an environment where diverse viewpoints and perpsectives are welcome and everyone feels they are part of the team. This class aims to be an intentionally inclusive community that promotes and maintains an equitable and just work and learning environment. We welcome and value individuals and their differences including race, economic status, gender expression and identity, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, first language, religion, age, and disability.

Mason Non-Discrimination Policy

Mason Diversity Statement

The following kinds of behaviors are encouraged to foster an inclusive environment:


An important component of inclusivity is to be aware of how our communication impacts others. Electronic communications require additional care to avoid misinterpretation. The following behaviors are encouraged for online communications:

Religious Holidays

It your responsibility to notify me within the first two weeks of the semester of any religious holidays in which you will be absent or unavailable due to religious observances.


Student privacy is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and is an essential aspect of any course. Students must use their MasonLive email account to receive important University information, including communications related to this class. I will not respond to messages sent from or send messages to a non-Mason email address. As a reminder this class will be recorded.

Student Support Services

A complete list of student support services

Keep Learning, Learning Services

University Libraries

Writing Center

Counseling and Psychological Services


When teaching online, it can be more difficult for me to gauge student understanding than in person. In person, I can usually see on a student’s face whether they understand something or not. This is much more difficult in an online environment. Additionally, I am consistently working to make my online courses as engaging and effective as possible. Feedback will be regularly requested at the end of each class period and provide information to adapt the course throughout the semester for this specific class. Additionally, a post course survey will provided to get your overall feedback on the course separate from standard course evaluations which do not provide sufficient useful information for improving the course. Please help to develop this course by providing feedback so that the course can improve and adapt.

Key Points

  • This class meets via Zoom

  • This class will use MS Teams and a Collaborative Document

  • This class will request feedback often