Lesson Title

Where to get Climate Datasets


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Where do I find Climate Datasets?


Where can I find Climate Datasets?

Many climate datasets are available on the COLA servers, but how do I find this data? Where would I look to find a dataset that is not on the COLA servers? As I go forward in my research, how do I find datasets I might want to use?

  1. COLA Datasets Catalog We are in the process of cataloging all the dataests on the COLA servers. Not everything is there yet, but this is a good place to start if you want to know what data are available locally.

  2. NOAA/Physical Sciences Lab Many climate datasets are here with lots of information and searching capabilities. This is my go-to for finding climate datasets.

  3. IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library This is another great resource for finding Climate Datasets

  4. NCAR Climate Data Guide Great resource for getting expert advice on which datasets you should use for your specific application

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