Model Diagnostics Packages
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How do I run the model diagnostics packages?
Some requirements for the diagnostics packages
Each component diagnostics package has minimum requirements for how much data must be available to run them:
- Ocean: 12months
- Atmosphere, Land: 14 months
- Ice: 24 months
Some other requirements:
- Only complete years can be analyzed by the packages.
- There must be an additional Dec before the 1st analyzed year or an additional Jan and Feb after the last analyzed year.
- If you have 4 complete years, you must set the first year to analyze to 1 and the last year to 3 or the first year to 2 and the last year to 4.
Run a Diagnostics Package
Select and run a diagnostics package of interest to you:
Atmosphere Diagnostics Package
Edit the settings for the
file usingpp_config
./pp_config --set ATMDIAG_OUTPUT_ROOT_PATH=/glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/atm ./pp_config --set ATMDIAG_test_first_yr=1 ./pp_config --set ATMDIAG_test_nyrs=3
Run the monthly climatologies
qsub atm_averages -A UGMU0032
You can monitor your job status using
qstat -u
Check the log file in logs to make sure everything ran ok. This should run relatively quickly (only a few minutes)Once the averages are done, you can submit the diagnostics script:
qsub atm_diagnostics -A UGMU0032
This will also run relatively quickly (few minutes).
Once it is done, you can go to the location of the diagnostics and look at the output via a webpage:cd /glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/atm/diag/test2-obs.1-3 firefox index.html &
It may be slow for your web browser window to launch and display depending on your bandwidth.
For more information on the Atmosphere (AMWG) Diagnostics Package:
Land Diagnostics Package
Edit the settings for the
file usingpp_config
./pp_config --set LNDDIAG_OUTPUT_ROOT_PATH=/glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/lnd ./pp_config --set LNDDIAG_clim_first_yr_1=1 ./pp_config --set LNDDIAG_clim_num_yrs_1=3 ./pp_config --set LNDDIAG_trends_first_yr_1=1 ./pp_config --set LNDDIAG_trends_num_yrs_1=3
Run the monthly climatologies
qsub lnd_averages -A UGMU0032
You can monitor your job status using
qstat -u
Check the log file in logs to make sure everything ran ok. This should run relatively quickly (only a few minutes)Once the averages are done, you can submit the diagnostics script:
qsub lnd_diagnostics -A UGMU0032
This will also run relatively quickly (few minutes). Once it is done, you can go to the location of the diagnostics and look at the output via a webpage:
cd /glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/lnd/diag/test2-obs.1_3 firefox setsIndex.html &
It may be slow for your web browser window to launch and display depending on your bandwidth.
For more information the Land (LMWG) Diagnostics Package:
Ocean Diagnostics Package
Edit the settings for the
file usingpp_config
./pp_config --set OCNDIAG_YEAR0=1 ./pp_config --set OCNDIAG_YEAR1=3 ./pp_config --set OCNDIAG_TSERIES_YEAR0=1 ./pp_config --set OCNDIAG_TSERIES_YEAR1=3 ./pp_config --set OCNDIAG_TAVGDIR=/glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/ocn/climo/tavg.\$OCNDIAG_YEAR0.\$OCNDIAG_YEAR1 ./pp_config --set OCNDIAG_WORKDIR=/glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/ocn/diag/test2.\$OCNDIAG_YEAR0.\$OCNDIAG_YEAR1
Run the monthly climatologies
qsub ocn_averages -A UGMU0032
You can monitor your job status using
qstat -u
Check the log file in logs to make sure everything ran ok. This should run relatively quickly (only a few minutes)Once the averages are done, you can submit the diagnostics script:
qsub ocn_diagnostics -A UGMU0032
This will also run relatively quickly (few minutes). Once it is done, you can go to the location of the diagnostics and look at the output via a webpage:
cd /glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/ocn/diag/test2.1_3 firefox index.html &
It may be slow for your web browser window to launch and display depending on your bandwidth.
Ice Diagnostics Package
Edit the settings for the
file usingpp_config
./pp_config --set ICEDIAG_BEGYR_CONT=1 ./pp_config --set ICEDIAG_ENDYR_CONT=3 ./pp_config --set ICEDIAG_YRS_TO_AVG=3 ./pp_config --set ICEDIAG_PATH_CLIMO_CONT=/glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/ice/climo/\$ICEDIAG_CASE_TO_CONT/ ./pp_config --set ICEDIAG_DIAG_ROOT=/glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/ice/diag/\$ICEDIAG_CASE_TO_CONT/
Run the monthly climatologies
qsub ice_averages -A UGMU0032
You can monitor your job status using
qstat -u
Check the log file in logs to make sure everything ran ok. This should run relatively quickly (only a few minutes)Once the averages are done, you can submit the diagnostics script:
qsub ice_diagnostics -A UGMU0032
This will also run relatively quickly (few minutes). Once it is done, you can go to the location of the diagnostics and look at the output via a webpage:
cd /glade/scratch/kpegion/diagnostics-output/ice/diag/test2.1_3 firefox index.html &
It may be slow for your web browser window to launch and display depending on your bandwidth.
Try the CVDP
Our runs are not long enough to run the CVDP, but you can test it on an existing long simulation, the CESM Large Ensemble.
On Cheyenne, we need to get an analysis node to Casper
execdav --account=UGMU0032
cd ~/scripts/CVDP
Open the file namelist
using your preferred text editor
The format of the file is:
Run Name | Path to all data for a simulatoin | Analysis start year | Analysis end year
Modify the rows so that the analysis start and end years are 1979 and 2015.
Open up the file driver.ncl
using your preferred text editor
On line 7: replace user
with your username
On line 19: change False
to True
to output calculations in nceCDF
Run the CVDP by typing
ncl driver.ncl
It will take ~20 minutes. Once it is complete, go to the output directory and open a firefox window
cd /glade/scatch/kpegion/CVDP
firefox index.html&
Key Points