Downloading CESM


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I download CESM?


We will now download the model and all the setup files needed for it. These are one-time steps.

Go to your /glade/work/ directory

$ cd /glade/work/kpegion

Download the CESM from Github

$ git clone -b release-cesm2.1.1 cesm2.1.1 

Change to the cesm2.1.1 directory

$ cd cesm2.1.1

Let’s take a look in that directory and talk about what is there and what is not. Need to get the model components.

Checkout all the model components

$ ./manage_externals/checkout_externals

Sometimes this hangs and gives an error about connecting. If it does, try again. If it asks you a question about the certificate, you can select p for permanent.

Leave this running over break.

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