%matplotlib inline
Example 2: Analysis of ERA5 profiles¶
Using hourly data from ERA5 (ea) model-level (ml) and surface (sfc) analyses (an).
This is for single-point profile data in .nc format - here the LAFE field campaign site at the DOE-ARM Southern Great Plains facility in Oklahoma.
Calculates thermodynamic variables, indices for profile, and L-A metrics.
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from metpy.plots import SkewT
from metpy.units import units
import metpy.calc as calc
import metpy.constants as c
#import metpy.interpolate as interp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd # Gonna use dataframes to manage profile data
from netCDF4 import Dataset, date2index
Path to ERA5 data.
Set requested time using a datetime object (in range of MJJAS 2011-2019).
#epath = '/Users/dirmeyer/MyFiles/Data Sets/CLASP/SGP_hourly/'
epath = '/scratch/dirmeyer/clasp/'
dt = datetime(2017, 8, 19, 12) # YYYY, M, D, H(UTC) for "sounding"
# This is a table of the pseudo-levels for ERA5 model-level data
plevels = pd.read_csv(epath+'ERA5_levels.csv')
plevs = plevels.loc[::-1,'plevel'].tolist() * units.pascals
ptops = plevels.loc[::-1,'ptop'].tolist() * units.pascals
# Surface and model-level data files for indicated year
sfcfile = epath+'ea_an_sfc_lafe_'+str(dt.year)+'0501_'+str(dt.year)+'0930.nc'
fcfile = epath+'ea_fc_sfc_lafe_'+str(dt.year)+'0501_'+str(dt.year)+'0930.nc'
mlfile = epath+'ea_an_ml_lafe_'+str(dt.year)+'0501_'+str(dt.year)+'0930.nc'
Extract Data¶
NetCDF data files; sfc has only a time dimension that varies, although there are 1-D latitude and longitude dimensions.
The ml file has varying time and pseudo-pressure levels that need to be scaled by surface pressure (sp) to get real levels.
# MetPy does not define a constant for mean sea level pressure - why not?
mean_slp = 101325.0 * units.pascal
# Read sounding data based on time (dt)
sfcdata = Dataset(sfcfile,"r")
fcdata = Dataset(fcfile,"r")
mldata = Dataset(mlfile,"r")
#print (mldata)
# Find the time index for the requested date
all_times = mldata.variables['time']
dindex = date2index(dt,all_times)
mps=units.m / units.sec
kgkg=units.kg / units.kg
# Standard sounding data
ml_t = np.squeeze(mldata.variables["t"][dindex]) * units.kelvin
ml_u = np.squeeze(mldata.variables["u"][dindex]) * mps #units.m / units.sec
ml_v = np.squeeze(mldata.variables["v"][dindex]) * mps # units.m / units.sec
ml_q = np.squeeze(mldata.variables["q"][dindex]) * kgkg #units.kg / units.kg
Calculate derived fields¶
Model levels convolved with plevels and surface pressure to get actual pressure.
#sfc_p = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["sp"][dindex]) * pa #* units.pascal
sfc_p = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["sp"][dindex]) * units.pascal
ml_p = plevs * sfc_p / mean_slp
ml_top = ptops * sfc_p / mean_slp
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/.conda/envs/aoes/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pint/quantity.py in __getattr__(self, item)
1706 try:
-> 1707 return getattr(self._magnitude, item)
1708 except AttributeError:
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'ndim'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-7d619a944d4b> in <module>
3 print(sfcdata.variables["sp"][dindex])
4 #sfc_p = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["sp"][dindex]) * pa #* units.pascal
----> 5 sfc_p = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["sp"][dindex]) * units.pascal
6 ml_p = plevs * sfc_p / mean_slp
7 ml_top = ptops * sfc_p / mean_slp
~/.conda/envs/aoes/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.py in __mul__(self, other)
4100 if self._delegate_binop(other):
4101 return NotImplemented
-> 4102 return multiply(self, other)
4104 def __rmul__(self, other):
~/.conda/envs/aoes/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/ma/core.py in __call__(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs)
1028 # Case 1. : scalar
-> 1029 if not result.ndim:
1030 if m:
1031 return masked
~/.conda/envs/aoes/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pint/quantity.py in __getattr__(self, item)
1709 raise AttributeError(
1710 "Neither Quantity object nor its magnitude ({}) "
-> 1711 "has attribute '{}'".format(self._magnitude, item)
1712 )
AttributeError: Neither Quantity object nor its magnitude (97563.734375) has attribute 'ndim'
Make profile of dew points, mixing ratios
[ ]:
ml_td = calc.dewpoint_from_specific_humidity(ml_q, ml_t, ml_p).to('kelvin')
ml_w = calc.mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity(ml_q)
Make profiles of various potential temperatures
[ ]:
ml_pot = calc.potential_temperature(ml_p, ml_t)
ml_pote = calc.equivalent_potential_temperature(ml_p, ml_t, ml_td)
ml_potv = calc.virtual_potential_temperature(ml_p, ml_t, ml_q)
To make the stepwise calculations work, we have to add the surface pressure as an additional “level”, then do the same for the other variables used. This is because profile - based calculations must be bounded by profile levels at top and bottom to do the calculations (e.g., can’t extrapolate from center of lowest model level to ground).
Seems that the numpy append confounds MetPy unit handling - have to redeclare the units
[ ]:
mls_p = np.append(ml_p,sfc_p) * units.pascal
#print(ml_p, ml_p[54])
# Tack on the other "surface" variables
sfc_t = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["t2m"][dindex]) * units.kelvin # Will use this again below
mls_t = np.append(ml_t,sfc_t) * units.kelvin
sfc_td = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["d2m"][dindex]) * units.kelvin # Will use this again below
mls_td = np.append(ml_td,sfc_td) * units.kelvin
mls_u = np.append(ml_u,np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["u10"][dindex])) * units('m/s')
ml_v = np.append(ml_v,np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["v10"][dindex])) * units('m/s')
# Gotta calcualte a surface mixing ratio
sfc_q = calc.specific_humidity_from_dewpoint(sfc_td,sfc_p)
sfc_w = calc.mixing_ratio_from_specific_humidity(sfc_q)
mls_w = np.append(ml_w,sfc_w) * units.kg / units.kg
More profile variables - these have to be built up from the bottom. Because extrapolation is forbidden, the top layer doesn’t get a value.
[ ]:
# Create empty profiles of new variables to fill
#ml_thick = np.full_like(ml_p, np.nan) * units.meter
#ml_z = np.full_like(ml_p, np.nan) * units.meter
ml_thick = np.zeros_like(ml_p) * units.meter
ml_z = np.zeros_like(ml_p) * units.meter
bot_p = sfc_p
for i in range(len(ml_p)-1):
ii = len(ml_p) - i - 1
top_p = ml_top[ii]
mid_p = ml_p[ii]
del_p = bot_p - top_p
ml_thick[ii] = calc.thickness_hydrostatic(mls_p, mls_t, mixing=mls_w, bottom=bot_p, depth=del_p)
ml_z[ii] = np.sum(ml_thick) - ml_thick[ii]/2.0 # Clever bit of summing to find z at middle of layer
# print(bot_p,mid_p,top_p,ml_z[ii])
bot_p = top_p
Once we have the heights, we can calculate more profile variables
[ ]:
ml_mse = calc.moist_static_energy(ml_z, ml_t, ml_q)
ml_mse[0] = ml_mse[0] * 0.0
ml_parcel = calc.parcel_profile(np.flip(ml_p), sfc_t, sfc_td) # Note the flipping; goes from surface up.
mls_parcel = calc.parcel_profile(np.flip(mls_p), sfc_t, sfc_td) # Note the flipping; goes from surface up.
Lastly, single value (s_*) indices calculated from the profiles
[ ]:
# Some come in the surface analysis
s_pbl_e = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["blh"][dindex]) * units.meter
s_cape_e = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["cape"][dindex]) * units.joule / units.kg
s_pw_e = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["tcw"][dindex]) * units.kg / units.meter / units.meter
s_tclw_e = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["tclw"][dindex]) * units.kg / units.meter / units.meter
s_tciw_e = np.squeeze(sfcdata.variables["tciw"][dindex]) * units.kg / units.meter / units.meter
s_pbl_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["blh"][dindex]) * units.meter
s_cape_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["cape"][dindex]) * units.joule / units.kg
s_cin_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["cin"][dindex]) * units.joule / units.kg
s_ustar_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["zust"][dindex]) * units.meter / units.sec
s_cbh_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["cbh"][dindex]) * units.meter
s_sh_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["msshf"][dindex]) * units.meter
s_lh_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["mslhf"][dindex]) * units.meter
s_swd_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["msdwswrf"][dindex]) * units.watt / units.meter / units.meter
s_lwd_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["msdwlwrf"][dindex]) * units.watt / units.meter / units.meter
s_swn_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["msnswrf"][dindex]) * units.watt / units.meter / units.meter
s_lwn_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["msnlwrf"][dindex]) * units.watt / units.meter / units.meter
s_precip_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["tp"][dindex]) * units.meter / units.hour
s_kx_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["kx"][dindex]) * units.kelvin
s_ttx_f = np.squeeze(fcdata.variables["totalx"][dindex]) * units.kelvin
# The rest we calculate
s_el_p, s_el_t = calc.el(mls_p, mls_t, mls_td, mls_parcel)
s_lcl_p, s_lcl_t = calc.lcl(sfc_p, sfc_t, sfc_td, max_iters=50, eps=1e-05)
s_lcl_z = (sfc_t - sfc_td) / c.dry_adiabatic_lapse_rate.to('K/m') + 2.0 * units.m
s_lfc = calc.lfc(mls_p, mls_t, mls_td)
s_cape, s_cin = calc.cape_cin(np.flip(mls_p), np.flip(mls_t), np.flip(mls_td), mls_parcel)
s_pw = calc.precipitable_water(mls_td, mls_p)
Make Skew-T Plot¶
The code below makes a basic skew-T plot using the MetPy plot module that contains a SkewT class.
[ ]:
# Change default to be better for skew-T
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
# Initiate the skew-T plot type from MetPy class loaded earlier
skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=40)
# Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using
# log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot
skew.plot(ml_p.to('hectopascal'), ml_t.to('degC'), 'crimson')
skew.plot(ml_p.to('hectopascal'), ml_td.to('degC'), 'teal')
skew.plot(sfc_p.to('hectopascal'), sfc_t.to('degC'), color='maroon', marker='x')
skew.plot(sfc_p.to('hectopascal'), sfc_td.to('degC'), color='darkslategrey', marker='x')
skew.plot(mls_p.to('hectopascal'), np.flip(mls_parcel).to('degC'), 'hotpink')
skew.plot_barbs(ml_p[::3].to('hectopascal'), ml_u[::3], ml_v[::3], y_clip_radius=0.03)
# Set some appropriate axes limits for x and y
skew.ax.set_xlim(-30, 40)
skew.ax.set_ylim(1020, 250)
# Shade areas of CAPE and CIN
skew.shade_cin(mls_p.to('hectopascal'), mls_t.to('degC'), np.flip(mls_parcel).to('degC'))
skew.shade_cape(mls_p.to('hectopascal'), mls_t.to('degC'), np.flip(mls_parcel).to('degC'))
# Add the relevant special lines to plot throughout the figure
skew.plot_dry_adiabats(t0=np.arange(233, 533, 10) * units.K,
alpha=0.25, color='orangered')
skew.plot_moist_adiabats(t0=np.arange(233, 400, 5) * units.K,
alpha=0.25, color='tab:green')
skew.plot_mixing_lines(p=np.arange(1000, 99, -20) * units.hPa,
linestyle='dotted', color='tab:blue')
# Add some descriptive titles
plt.title('ERA5 Pseudo-Sounding at LAFE site', loc='left')
plt.title('Valid Time: {}'.format(dt), loc='right')
#print("EL:",s_el_p, s_el_t)
print("LCL:",s_lcl_z, s_lcl_p, s_lcl_t)
Red is CAPE area, blue is CIN; surface values are ‘x’.